Set Up Your Leadsleap Account For 100 Referrals Challenge

Ok so the first thing you need to focus on for the 100 referrals challenge is getting your Leadsleap account fully set up and ready to work for you.

We will be using this lead capture page:

You should ADD this page to your promoting routine and keep sharing the One Team Page as well.

You will be importing this page into your account on Leadsleap.

To do this click on PAGE MANAGER then ADD PAGE. You will be asked to give the page a name:

I suggest you use “100 Referrals Challenge” as the name for this page. When you click Add the page will be added to your list:

Next click on the Add a new page design to start button, and you will see the 2 options below:

In the import share code box enter this code: page-afkMVGGZZZZ click on Import Now.

You will now have a copy of my Lead Capture Page inside your Leadsleap account and it will look something like this (the link will be different):

You are going to see an error message that says list does not exist. We will fix that next….
That is the first part of the set up done, easy right?

Now you need to create an email list in Leadsleap. This is very easy too.

Click on LIST MANAGER, then Add New List. Call it 100 Paid Referrals and then click add now. Boom, you now have an email list!

When you add the list you will see a red notification like this:

Click on the little cog icon and a form will pop up for you to complete. You need to add your own details and email address to this form. Click the button to send a code to your email address after adding your address, go copy the code and enter it in the code box.

Fill in the rest of the details, and make sure you click the little box to agree the terms, then click activate now button:

Your email list will now be active and ready to connect to the page you imported.

To connect the 2 together, you need to open the page manager again and click on LAUNCH EDITOR.

In the editor window, click on LIST then GET LIST ID

Choose your new list from the drop down menu and the ID will appear in the box.

Click on the green save button in the top right corner, and your page and list will now be connected.

Click link below for the next step:

Add A Welcome Email To Leadsleap System


17 responses to “Set Up Your Leadsleap Account For 100 Referrals Challenge”

  1. Nadine De Kerpel avatar
    Nadine De Kerpel

    What to say ? except that it’s perfect, as always. And what’s more, with humor, I love reading you. All that remains is to take up the challenge 😀

    1. Yes do take up the challenge – you can do it!

  2. if a prospect joins me in TeamBuildMachine, when they join the other websites are they cookied to me or will they join a random member from the rotator link for that website

    1. If they join via the rotators they will go to a random member Kev, you need to have them on your own email list before sending them to TBM so you can send your own links. You can also use the messaging system to contact them on TBM if they have approved contact on there.

      1. Thanks for the reply Ellie…
        so if they join me personally in GDI will there ad click earnings still count toward there payment/upgrade
        Also if I send visitors to the team build page, will I get random referrals too.

        1. Yes Kev, TBM is there for all members of our GDI team, it doesn’t matter where they come from.
          The system I am using is to choose a member of the team at random to provide 5 refs, so that could be you or 1 of your downline.
          I am usually allocating 5 refs per day on average at the moment.

          1. Thats awesome Ellie.. Thanks

  3. Greetings,

    I am at the limit for the amount of lists I can create on LeadsLeap. I am in between jobs, and do not have the funds to upgrade my LeadsLeap account. I am going to try using to create the capture page and email campaign.

  4. My set up is done

  5. Edna Gatdula avatar
    Edna Gatdula

    Set up and started promoting

  6. Awesome I have created my “100 Referrals Challenge” on LeadsLeap.
    Ellie Murphy.

  7. Angie Berthold avatar
    Angie Berthold

    List is attached to capture page and i started promoting on my TE

  8. Raju Mahtani avatar
    Raju Mahtani

    This is new fornme. Lots of details but I will try to get it done soon.

    May require help because it’s intracate.

    Thank you

  9. Charmaine Anne MacDonald avatar
    Charmaine Anne MacDonald

    Thank you Ellie, a thorough explanation. Well done.

  10. Thank you for the very easy to follow instructions to set up

  11. What is the list number?

    1. The list number to connect your page to the list Danny? That is in your own Leadsleap account under list manager when you have created the list.

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