Add A Welcome Email To Leadsleap System

Before you start promoting your lead capture page, you need to add a welcome email to the system. This will be sent out automatically when you get a new subscriber adding their details into the lead capture page.

To add the welcome email click on LIST MANAGER and then click on the single envelope icon and the welcome email editor will appear.

Click the pencil icon and then copy and paste this email:

Subject: YOU can get 100 Paid Referrals


As I am sure you know already, getting paid referrals is the key to earning a decent income online.  I am sure you also know that getting paid referrals is not always a very easy thing to do.  

To help overcome this main barrier to success Ellie Murphy (my friend and online work colleague) created a very different kind of website based on a simple strategy.  

Ellie has worked online for years, and has built many teams of 1000+ people.  Creating Team Build Machine is her way of removing as many barriers to online success as possible.  

If you want to become a Team Build Machine you can join for free using this link: (Update this link to your own ref link)

See you on the inside…..

(Your Name)

Save the email and you are ready to start promoting your lead capture page.

Remember that Team Build Machine is the FIRST site that you want your referrals to join. Those referrals will then follow you forward into the paid programs.

When you have saved the welcome email, you should check the system is set up correctly. To do this copy the link of the lead capture page, enter it in a new window, and add your own details into the form.

You should get a notification to check your email to verify your email address.

Complete the verification and a copy of the welcome email will arrive in your inbox. If this does not happen go back over the set up guide and check your steps.

When you know everything is working, the next step is to:

Start Working On Traffic Generation


12 responses to “Add A Welcome Email To Leadsleap System”

  1. Lee Rayment avatar
    Lee Rayment

    Thank you Ellie.

    All set up and checked, ready to advertise.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. This will definitely improve my Lead Generation program. I Greatly Appreciate this.

  3. Mahjabeen Asjad avatar
    Mahjabeen Asjad

    Thank you so much Ellie for all your efforts.
    I have tried my best to follow the steps. I am not clear where I have to test for the system set up. Where is the capture page link please on the welcome email tab?

    1. The capture page link is in the Page Manager – you will see it just above the box.
      If you can’t find it ask in the group and I can do a screenshot for you.

  4. David Rankins avatar
    David Rankins

    So this is the link we use and not our referral link?

    1. That is just the direct link David, you should use your referral link which you will find under the banners tab.

      1. David Rankins avatar
        David Rankins

        OK THX

  5. Charmaine Anne MacDonald avatar
    Charmaine Anne MacDonald

    Thanks Ellie I have set it up and will start promoting.

  6. Thank you all set up, onto the next stage

  7. I’m having difficulty in the last step. I need help. Thank you.

    1. Are you in the Facebook Group Mario? Add a post there asking for help and someone will soon guide you. The group link is:

  8. Mbwana Juma Mbwana avatar
    Mbwana Juma Mbwana

    I stuck on connecting lead capture page and email list. Need your help

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