100 Referrals Challenge

The thing that everyone on the team wants to know about is EXACTLY how to get referrals…..

If I wanted to get 100 referrals for any business, what would I do?
The first thing I would do is to write an email and send it to my list…… BUT not everyone has a list yet. So if I had no email list then what would I do?

I would start off by creating a lead capture page……. Hmmmm not everyone knows how to do that either. So of course I would create one and share it. What opportunity shall we work on building?

Lets work on getting 100 referrals for EACH of our team builds.

What a fun challenge…… if everyone on the team joined in with this challenge their income levels would just soar. In fact you could earn around $5000 pretty fast.

Ok so if you would like to join in with this challenge you will need 2 accounts to get started:

Leadsleap (so you can import my capture page and send out emails to your subscribers). To join Leadsleap you should use the link sent to you from the person who invited you this challenge. If you were not sent a link you can use this one:

Click Here To Join Leadsleap (Team Referral Rotator)
Send me your link on Team Build Machine To Have Your Link Included

Team Build Machine. This account is the foundation of the challenge. You will be directing people here first of all. To join Team Build Machine you can use this link: https://teambuildmachine.com/

When you have both accounts you are ready to work on this challenge.

I highly recommend you also join our Facebook Group.

I will now walk you through what to do step by step.

Set Up Your Leadsleap Account For 100 Referrals Challenge


21 responses to “100 Referrals Challenge”

  1. My honor and sincere thank you Ellie,

    Awesome of One Team, One Goal.

    I am newbie learning by doing and I LOVE It.

    God Bless Ellie Murphy!

    1. I am so glad you are loving the training and being part of the team!

  2. Thanks so much Ellie Following the steps

  3. Richard Silcox avatar
    Richard Silcox

    Thank you
    I am not very good at this its understanding the initial plan I need easy steps please

    1. The initial plan is to help you to get referrals joining Team Build Machine Richard. If you need someone to walk through the steps with you to set up your email list I suggest you post in the Facebook group asking for help. It will be easier when you have someone saying “do this, now do this”.

  4. I need more information on how to get referrals

    1. If you read through the blog it tells you step by step how to get referrals.
      If you need someone to walk through the steps with you to set up your email list I suggest you post in the Facebook group asking for help. It will be easier when you have someone saying “do this, now do this”.

  5. Hi there Ellie,
    Can you please check this out for me. I think I have as we say got it.

    New for me 3-2-24
    100 paid referrals.

    1. Working perfectly well done!

  6. Charles Virginia avatar
    Charles Virginia

    Hi Elli,
    I’m already in Leadsleap, what must i do?

    1. Set up the system….. and send any ref links for the rotators via Team Build Machine support so I don’t miss them out.

  7. Ronald Streeter avatar
    Ronald Streeter

    As a new member I am confused. When I log on what do I do? I see there are text ads but they only lead to other pages/programs.
    Where do I earn this 0.35 per day?
    Secondly I had a problem but the support button only gave me FAQ where I could not enter my problem.
    The problem was that when I tried to register it said me email was already registered but when I tried to log on it said account did not exist!
    So I registered with another email.

    1. Hi, Ronald
      TOP MENU: Home Advertise Earn Money Help Forum

      Click -> Earn Money
      Next -> View Advertisements

  8. Great set up training enjoyed every minute of it and started posting my link already everywhere I have upgrades

  9. Hi,

    Thank you for all this
    DFY, I can say for sure
    Strategies, tactics simple to use tools

    I combine TBM & One of my sites and Boom =>> Referrals and cash flow
    Also, You choose Smart 2 of the most reliable businesses with many years of exp

  10. Hi guys, I have started my “100 Referrals Challenge” Email List an hour ago hopefully to get some signups.

  11. Raju Mahtani avatar
    Raju Mahtani

    This is a real challenge for me, to actually learn how to do everything the way it should be done. I can only do the daily clicks in several programs of yours. Hopefully, will be able to do all the rst of it very soon.

  12. Awesome Email List and please advise for support and how to create Email List at Ads by Up and Faucet Wave and others.

  13. Setup Done, I have started to Generate Traffic.

  14. Edna Gatdula avatar
    Edna Gatdula

    Done with the set up and started promoting

  15. Karin Horak avatar
    Karin Horak

    Hello dear Ellie,
    I will be starting, doing this 100 refs challenge.
    Jumping in today to learn the email marketing part as such… the rest I’m ok with… thank you so so much.

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