How To Promote An Opportunity Effectively Online?

Promoting an opportunity effectively online can seem like a minefield these days. It used to be something that ony big businesses with big budgets had to think about, but now there many different options available for everyone. In some ways this is a good thing – it means even the complete beginner can promote anything they want to. However, the sheer number of options makes it very hard to decide where to start and what to focus on doing.

The other main issue that small marketers face, is the fact that there are many people promoting the same opportunity. So how can you stand out from the crowd?

Here are a few suggestions that have worked for me:

Create A Business Home Space Online

A ‘home space’ for your business online is vital in my opinion. By home space I mean somewhere where people can go to find out more about you and the opportunity you are promoting. There are many different options for this, such as a business page or group on social media, a website or blog, a You Tube channel, or an image service such as Pinterest.

The main rule for chosing a home space for an opportunity you are working on building, is to make it accessible to your target audience.

Note that a company provided website is usually not a very effective home space for you. A personalised version of the opportunity that provides your own opinions and experiences is the most effective.

Spend Time Thinking About Your Target Audience

It is very easy to assume that your target audience is everyone. Most new marketers have the idea that you need to get as many people as possible to see your opportunity. This leads to a huge amount of spamming on social media. Spamming is basically sharing links here, there and everywhere. Yet the idea that “the more you share the better” is simply not true. There is nothing that puts people off even looking at an opportunity more than spamming.

One of the best things you can do is to learn to think like a marketer. That means understanding your target audience and what appeals to them. For example, if you want to promote an expensive item a very basic requirement is that your target audience needs to have enough income to be able to afford it. There is no point advertising to people with no funds available.

Identifying your target audience properly can take quite a bit of time and research, but most people can identify a few features straight away.

Is your opportunity more likely to appeal to men or women?

Is it in a niche area such as health and wellness, beauty, or weightloss?

Is it suitable for beginners or for those with more experience?

Is it low cost or high cost?

Taking these things into consideration make it much easier to promote an opportunity effectively because they help you to narrow down your target audience. That in turn helps you to promote to the right people in a way that appeals to them.

Make Use of Marketing Tools

There are various marketing tools that can be used to make promoting easier. Videos, product reviews, automation tools like email autoresponder accounts, advertising services etc. These tools provide you with an advantage and you do not have to have a large budget to use them.

Do Not Rely On Resources Provided By The Company

One of the main problems associated with promoting an online opportunity is the fact that there are likely to be hundreds and thousands of other people promoting the same thing. If you only use company provided resources there is no way to stand out from the crowd.

Learn to make your own resources as early as possible.

This is where having your own ‘home space’ really can help a lot. You can use it to provide personalised reviews and opinions on products and services. You can create your own videos and show any results that you have got as well.

Start Building Your Email List From Day One

Working to promote an opportunity online effectively means learning about things that other people who are successful already do. One of the most basic requirements is creating a contact list of people who are interested in the opportunity that you wish to promote AND communicating with those people regularly. There is nothing as effective as building your own email list to help you do this.

Seek Guidance When You Need It

Starting out as a marketer is hard work and there is a big learning curve involved. Everyone starts off with very little knowledge and no experience. Luckily there are also a lot of people with much more experience than you, and many of those people will be very happy to provide you with guidance.

Do be wary of people who provide no guidance without you having to pay for it though. There are plenty of free resources available that are of good quality. People who know what they are talking about generally provide at least some free resources.

Use The Products or Services You Want To Promote

It is very hard to provide more than basic information about a product or service that you do not personally use. On the other hand when you use a product or service yourself, it is very easy to talk in detail about it. Even if you have to start with just a single product or feature to try out for yourself and focus on promoting that item, then do it. It is always very obvious when someone has never used a product or service they are trying to promote.

Don’t Be Overly Salesy

In my experience you do not need to have or use special “sales techniques” to promote an opportunity effectively. In fact most people prefer a down to earth and realistic review, or clear information instead of any kind of hyped up sales talk.

You do not need to learn any fancy copywriting skills or closing techniques etc when you genuinely enjoy using something. Speak in your own voice and language – Be yourself, be genuine and the sales will happen for you.

Make Recomendations With Explanations and Guidance

It is very easy to say something like “I recommend you check out XYZ” and hope that people will take your word for it. However especially when you do not have any influence or reputation as someone to trust already it is important that you explain why you recommend something.

For example, an opportunity that I think is great is Global Domains International….. You can click the link to find out more about it.

That sentence might get a few people to look at it, but if I explain more about why I think it is great, then more people are likely to become interested. For example, the main thing that I like about Global Domains International is the fact that you can use it to promote any business online. You can use it to provide training and personal updates as well.

Do you see how that simple addition can increase the appeal to others?

Fact is, people also like to know more about YOUR personal story. There is curosity about how you are getting on with an opportunity and also a need to provide guidance. You need to SHOW the updates, highlight the earning potential and explain how it works. The easier you can make it for other people to succeed with an opportunity you want to promote, the more likely you are to get people to register.

Another thing I really like about Global Domains International is the power of the income system it provides for such a low cost. The way it works is it provides a 5 level downline system, so with just a few referrals you can open the door to high level monthly income. Here is an example of the way that works if you gain just 5 referrals, who get 5 referrals down each level:

That image above shows you how to reach earnings of $3,905 per month from a $10 per month opportunity. You simply need to work on finding some team members who are able to gain a handful of referrals for your income levels to keep growing. It is very powerful when you can earn from the work of a whole team of people rather than just yourself.

Another thing you can do is point out anything that can make it easier for people to join.

With Global Domains International there is even a 7 day free trial available so you can have a look around at what is on offer before you make any commitment.

It took me just a few minutes to provide this additional information, yet the chances are it makes a huge difference to the number of people I get just clicking through to have a look at the opportunity itself.

However, I have not yet provided very much guidance on how to actually use Global Domains International. That I will do in another blog post.

By the way….. this blog has been created by using Global Domains International. It is nothing fancy and I could easily turn it into a rather flashy site, but I like to show how a basic blog can also be very effective.

Have you found this post useful? Do let me know in the comments below.


One response to “How To Promote An Opportunity Effectively Online?”

  1. Raju Mahtani avatar
    Raju Mahtani

    I am in GDI as a Bronze member and have earned $25 so far.

    Could I upgrade to the Silver and Gold status?

    Until I get there please let me know what I need to do in GDI every day, so as to preserve my position, until I move up.

    Thank you!

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