How To Get A Constant Flow Of Referrals or Sales

All professional marketers understand exactly how to create a constant flow of referrals or sales…… 

It works like this: 

You create a funnel where leads (or potential team members/customers) come in to the system.  You work through a series of steps which basically moves people along the sales process.  Here is an example in picture form: 

The main thing that new marketers do not understand is how to set up such a funnel.  It looks complicated……. and they do not understand the stages very well.  So how can they use something they do not understand?

The main mistake that is made is trying to “jump” the stages.  
For example, new marketers might add a direct link to an affiliate offer or opportunity onto a traffic site.  That is like trying to jump straight to the purchase stage.  

Other new marketers might learn about list buiding and work on generating leads, which is the first stage in the process.  Then they will try to jump to the purchase stage by sending a “sales” style email.

Buy this, or join me here emails that are sent out immediately after someone joins your email list is the equivalent to you walking in a shop door and the sales assistant immediately jumping on you saying “HERE, BUY THIS”.  What would you do? Most people would leave the shop as fast as possible. 

Do not do this…….

Instead work on being helpful. If you walk into a shop and the sales assistant is helpful but not pushy you are likely to go back to that shop when you are ready to buy something.

Each email that people on your email list read is a bit like going back into a shop. You might go back to ask a question, or to find out more about how something works etc.

Done For You Funnels

I have provided 2 main funnels for members of Team Build Machine so far. The first funnel is the 100 Referrals Challenge email campaign that focuses on teaching about traffic generation. The second funnel I have just set up involves a series of Facebook Groups which focus on building cash flow from zero AND teaching about team building. You can join this system via this group:

Either of these options provide the FLOW that is required. The Facebook groups option provides more support and guidance on an individual level, but basically follows the same pathway as the 100 referrals challenge.

Both options are provided to help members of Team Build Machine to build income levels as they learn and move forward. Like all good funnels they provide the PROCESS of making sales or getting team members accompanied with teaching. In other words, I have provided the funnels for you to use.

I am sure you will find both of them very useful.


One response to “How To Get A Constant Flow Of Referrals or Sales”

  1. Raju mahtani avatar
    Raju mahtani

    How intricate how intricate would like to do this with utmost perfection.

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