Welcome Email For Easy $10 A Day Capture Page

If you have read my post Lead Capture Pages For You and wish to use that page to build your own list you are going to need a follow up email to send.

Here is the welcome email that I use along with this page:

Subject: Earning $10 A Day is Very Simple


I get asked all the time “How can I earn $10 a day?”

The truth is this is very easy to achieve.
Yet few people make it for 1 simple reason.
They are not willing to do what works.

What works is this:

You spend 5 mins a day clicking ads to earn a little.
You spend 10 mins a day earning ad credits to promote and build a team.
With each team member who joins you, daily earnings increase.
Work consistently and you WILL reach $10 a day.

EVERYONE can do this.
Few people do, and that is why people struggle to make this basic level income….

I use Ads By UAP for 5 mins a day to earn.
My ref link is: https://ads.uap.company/ref/ellieos

I use Infinity Traffic Boost To Earn Credits & Promote
My ref link is: https://infinitytrafficboost.com/elliesearners

I upgraded for $3 on Infinity Traffic Boost so my ads run on autopilot (you can earn that upgrade just from surfing too).

My team never stops growing…. I earn way more than $10 a day now!

Try it.
It works.
There is nothing easier.

Ellie xx

For this particular campaign I do not use any other pre written follow up emails as a series. I prefer to use a daily broadcast option for all kinds of reasons. If you wish to add some follow up emails or broadcasts to your system I will be adding an emails section to this blog over the next few days!


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