Effective Team Building 101

Effective team building requires you to do a few things:

  1. Learn how to build an email list – Leadsleap provides its members with all email list building tools for free.
  2. Learn how to generate traffic using traffic sites such as Hungry For Hits.
  3. Never waste ad credits promoting an opportunity with the direct referral link provided, and promote a Lead Capture Page instead.
  4. Sending emails that TEACH your subscribers or provide userful information.

When you follow this process, you are not only going to get more referrals, it becomes much, much easier too.

It takes time to learn, but is very much worth the effort. Building your email list creates an asset that will pay you again and again and again.

To help our members learn about email marketing I have created the 100 Referrals Challenge

In this challenge I provide a Leadsleap Capture Page and instructions on how to use it, I provide information about using traffic sites, and I provide emails that you can copy and paste to send to your subscribers. This is as close to a completely done for you system that I can get. You just need to work on traffic generation for this system to work for you.

I also provide a Facebook Group where you can ask for one to one guidance and support to get your system set up and running.

When you take the time to learn about email marketing, and follow this system you will be able to build ANY business that you wish to work on.


8 responses to “Effective Team Building 101”

  1. Edna Gatdula avatar
    Edna Gatdula

    I want to learn more about the proper use of LeadsLeap

    1. Steven Smith avatar
      Steven Smith

      Come to our Facebook group listed above there are many people there willing to help you out

  2. Thanks. The information is very helpful

    1. Raju mahtani avatar
      Raju mahtani

      This is such a good process. Just need to do all of this, one by one.

  3. yes, you do this VERY WELL Ellie

  4. Kevan Brock avatar
    Kevan Brock

    Hi Ellie that is great thank you very much.

  5. Hello Ellie,
    I want to learn more about the proper use of LeadsLeap.

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