Creating A Welcome Email

The welcome email is the most important email you will ever send to your leads. It can make or break the relationship between you and them in a few seconds. You should not under any circumstances use this email to try and make a “sale”. That includes sharing the link to a paid program.

Although the welcome email is primarily about you providing the information that your subscriber has asked for, it is actually about you. It tells your new lead more about you than you think.

First impressions count….. and a potential lead might never read another email from you again if you give the wrong impression in your welcome email.

The welcome email that I suggest you use along with the $3905 capture page is this:

Subject Line: $3905 Per Month From Zero

~smartHi~Earning high level monthly income online from zero is usually really hard to achieve….. so I decided to make it simple.

There are just 2 steps:

Join Team Build Machine:

This is a free site that was created to make team building as easy as possible for members. You can click ads daily on this site to earn $10 per month. You can also add adverts here to promote almost anything you want….

You then use that $10 to pay for the site that builds income to $3905 per month.


We have removed all the barriers to creating long term success online, and I look forward to helping you to achieve your income goals ASAP.

Best Wishes

(Your Name)

PS those who join our Facebook Group earn much faster. Do join us here as well:

How To Add The Welcome Email

For instructions on how to add this email to your Leadsleap account please read this blog post: How To Add A Welcome Email To Your Leadsleap Email List

When this email has been added you are ready to start promoting your Lead Capture Page. I do recommend you test everything is working properly first however. Simply open the lead capture page and add your details to the form. Check in your email for the welcome email. If you received it all is fine and you can start promoting.

How To Promote Your Lead Capture Page


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